My couce

the mate in wich i would most desire is most like my ideal dog.  loyal to the country,family, and me.  knowing all this and not betraying eny of these no matter what.  ability to trust mine life to,no conchis reason jest some unidentified reason,this is one of the most inportent ones.  the most inportent is that there outer body reflects there iner soul,spearet,or hart whatever you like to call it this is the most inportent.

Published in: on October 22, 2008 at 2:26 pm  Leave a Comment  

My Room

My room is big, my room is small.  Has no space has all the needed space.  My room has every weapon imaginable , my room has no weapons .  My room has no bed , i sleep on the floor.  My room is Spartan that is all my room is.

yes i  do sleep on my Floor.

Published in: on October 9, 2008 at 6:07 pm  Comments (1)